Short Information :-Army ASC Driver, Cook, MTS Group C Recruitment 2021. ASC Centre South (Banglore)- 2 ATC Invite the application for the post of Civil Motor Driver, Cleaner, Cook, Civilian Catering Instructor, Labour, MTS etc for a total of 400 vacancies. Interested Candidate can apply apply offline for Army ASC Driver, Cook, MTS Group C Recruitment 2021.Please Visit HaryanaDCRatejob.Com Regularly. If you want to get Haryana Latest job 2021and Latest Dc Rate Job in Haryana join our Haryana Job WhatsApp Group now.
Army Driver, Cook, Cleaner, Labour, MTS Offline Form 2021
Important Date
Form Starting Date:- 28-08-2021
Form Last Date:-17-09-2021
Form Sending Address for the posts of Labour and MTS (Safaiwala) :-The Presiding Officer, Civilian Direct Recruitment Board, CHQ, ASC Centre (South)- 2 ATC, Agram Post, Bangalore-07”
Form Sending Address for Other posts :-The Presiding Officer, Civilian Direct Recruitment Board, CHQ, ASC Centre (North)- 1 ATC, Agram Post, Bangalore-07
Paste Passport size photograph at a required place in the application form
Write on the front side of the envelope containing the application form “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ……………” CATEGORY …………
Send the application form by Speed/ Registered Post to the address of “The Presiding Officer, Civilian Direct Recruitment Board, CHQ, ASC Centre (South)- 2 ATC, Agram Post, Bangalore-07” for the posts of Labour and MTS (Safaiwala)
Send the application form by Speed/ Registered Post to the address of “The Presiding Officer, Civilian Direct Recruitment Board, CHQ, ASC Centre (North)- 1 ATC, Agram Post, Bangalore-07” for other posts
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